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FS#1 - Sample Task
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Default Project
Opened by Mr Super User (arcade) - Sunday, 23 October 2005, 02:46 GMT+2
Last edited by Mr Super User (arcade) - Tuesday, 01 May 2007, 09:42 GMT+2
Opened by Mr Super User (arcade) - Sunday, 23 October 2005, 02:46 GMT+2
Last edited by Mr Super User (arcade) - Tuesday, 01 May 2007, 09:42 GMT+2
DetailsThis isn't a real task. You should close it and start opening some real tasks.
This task depends upon
Closed by Mr Super User (arcade)
Tuesday, 01 May 2007, 09:42 GMT+2
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: nada nothing si nimica
Tuesday, 01 May 2007, 09:42 GMT+2
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: nada nothing si nimica